About Our Therapist
Bonnie Trainor Lucio, LOTR, CHT
Bonnie was born and raised in Metairie, Louisiana. She graduated cum laude
from Louisiana State Medical Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, LA.
She completed a hand and burn specialty rotation at Baton Rouge General
Hospital and developed a passion for treating hand and upper quadrant patients.
As a new graduate, she attended surgeries and treated orthopedic patients,
which led her to a position to work for Dr. Harold Stokes, a gifted hand surgeon
and a great mentor, who continually challenged her to learn more about
rehabilitating hand patients. She became the director of The Hand Center of
Louisiana at three clinics in the metropolitan New Orleans area.
She was the co-proprietor of The Hand Rehabilitation Center, Inc, an outpatient
therapist owned facility which grew to five locations in south Louisiana. She was
the hand therapy fellowship coordinator at The Hand Rehabilitation Center and
mentored many post-graduate therapists who desired additional training. Most
recently, Bonnie worked at Lakeview Regional Medical Center.
Bonnie is a board-certified hand therapist, a charter, active member of ASHT, and
the founding president of the Louisiana Chapter of ASHT. She is a published
author in The Journal of Hand Therapy and has given numerous national and
local presentations. She has been active in HTCC since 2002 and has served as
an Item Writer, Item Writer Mentor, on the Practice Analysis Task force and on
the Governance Committee. She currently serves as the Recertification
Committee Vice Chair and as Secretary on the Board of Directors at HTCC.